Hey there, I’m Cassie!

29 years old, MN suburban wife, mommy, and lover of all things dreamy. I am married to my favorite person Jake; and together we have two beautiful children Dash (4), Delilah (under a year), and then there is Gordo Louis our fur-bud and golden retriever. 

I am your everyday suburban mom balancing work and home life here in the twin cities. I recently returned to my professional job as a part-time office employee working in custom closet designs, after having my second baby. When I’m not at my day job, I am home with the kids. Chasing after the dog, fetching snacks, and soaking in all the baby snuggles. Talk about the best of both worlds, right?!

I started blogging a little over six years ago as a single lady (insert Beyonce lyrics here), living in my first apartment alone! My blog started out as a place where I could share inexpensive DIY’s and talk nonsense. But soon everything changed in my life, along with my style of writing, when I met my (now husband) Jakob. I became a mommy quickly, and with that, the focus of my blog shifted from DIY’s and how to cure a hangover to everything baby and where to find the hottest diaper bag.

Two years ago I decided it was time to close the chapter on my blogging days in order to focus on family and myself. I never anticipated coming back to this world, but I am ecstatic to be joining the Hunkiedorië team & I am grateful for the opportunity to still be able to share creatively without the stress of being a one-woman show.

Behind the spit up stains and messy top knots I am a creative, a crafter, and design enthusiast. I’m a simple girl with a big personality. I love a glass (or bottle) of red wine, scary movies, hosting get togethers, silky pajamas, candles & going all out for the holidays. 

What I hope to bring to this blog is tons of home décor inspiration, DIY’s, and REAL mom reviews. all while I dive into those #momlife topics that we all love to discuss over a play date.  Think of me as your new virtual mommy friend! Let’s be besties. XO

Find more of my family & I, over on Instagram